Vinka , Karole Kasita thrill at  second  Absa KH3 - 7 Hills Run

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Vinka , Karole Kasita thrill at  second  Absa KH3 - 7 Hills Run
Vinka and Karole Kasita on stage

In the heart of the scenic seven hills of Kampala, the Absa KH3 - 7 Hills Run transcended from a mere marathon into a mesmerizing fusion of athleticism and artistry.

Amidst the pulsating rhythm of pounding feet and cheering spectators, two luminaries from the realm of music—Vinka and Karole Kasita—took center stage, elevating the event to unprecedented heights of entertainment.

With her  signature blend of confidence and charisma, Vinka stepped onto the stage, her presence commanding attention like a force of nature.

As the first notes of her hit songs such as Thank God, Love Panic, among others filled the air, the audience was entranced, swept away by the infectious energy from the stage. With each move, Vinka captivated the crowd, her dynamic performance a testament to her status as one of Uganda's premier entertainers.

Not to be outdone, Karole Kasita took to the stage with an aura of effortless cool, her soulful voice echoing through the hills like a siren's call.

From heart-wrenching ballads to high-energy anthems,  Kasita's performance was a masterclass in versatility, showcasing her ability to seamlessly transition between genres while maintaining an unwavering connection with her audience.

Together, Vinka and Karole Kasita ignited a musical firestorm that electrified marathon participants. With each beat, each lyric, they transcended the limitations of language and culture, weaving a tapestry of sound and emotion that resonated deep within the hearts of all who bore witness to their extraordinary talent.

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